Monday, September 20, 2010


はじめまして、わたしはDanです, あめりかじんです、にじゅごさいです、ころんびあだいがくのがくせいです。どぞよろしく。

Hi everybody, nice to meet you.  My name is Dan, I'm American, 25 years old and a student at Columbia University.  Why am I studying Japanese? Well, I am a graduate student in Chinese history, and scholars in Japan have, over the past many years, produced much groundbreaking research in the field.  I am studying Japanese to, hopefully at some point, read their work.  So far, I am finding studying Japanese to be a difficult, yet rewarding, adventure.  Memorizing Hiragana has brought back memories of the many many pads of paper I went through as an undergraduate when I first began to learn Chinese.  The pace and immersion style learning of the Japanese language program here has been a bit of a shock, but something that I am sure will in the end be of great benefit.  I look forward to the continued struggles, and hopefully a few successes, of first-year Japanese.


  1. がくしゅうまいにち!さあ!


  2. The immersion style was indeed shocking...but it wasn't until two or three classes after that I started asking myself: "Did Hamada Sensei actually speak Japanese 95% of the time in class?...And that we can miraculously understand?"

  3. こんにちは!
    That's interesting...have you found that knowing Chinese is helpful in learning Japanese?

  4. こんちは!がんばでね、danさん!In my point of view, Japanese grammer is much more difficult than English, however reading may be easier as so many Kanji in it:) I heard that grammer of Korean is similar to that of Japanese. Cheer up, Dan!

  5. はじめましで!ソーンです。ぼくわのとるだむだいがくの にねんせいです。 ぼくもちゅうごくごべんきょうしました。 I also have learned Chinese first before starting to learn Japanese.

  6. 始めまして!私もノートルダムだいがくのがくせいです。You're reasons to study Japanese is very interesting. I look forward to your posts! ^^*.
