Tuesday, September 28, 2010

たいへんまです?Just kidding, life is good!

So, we are almost a month into the new semester, summer weather is behind us and everyone is settling down into their school routines, what a perfect time to learn how to talk about our daily schedule using 日本語!Actually, one of my favorite things about being a がくせいis that my schedule is different everyday.  Each day is its own little world, with tasks and goals that I can (hopefully) check off as having accomplished each night。 おわります。 But, in general, and of course in order to practice my 日本語, here is my schedule:

わたしは まいばん ろくじ に おきます。ごぜんはちじ から ごごじゅじ まで べんきょうしますです。 ごぜんいちじ なます。Of course in that time I also やすみます、including ひるやすみ。 I also like to try to get some exercise, so when としょかんやすみますI either take advantage of the opportunity to exercise, or, perhaps in reality more often, ねます。

I have really enjoyed the last few weeks getting to know people in the class and I look forward to many more sessions of helping each other in our 日本語の学習.



  1. おはよう ございます!わたしは ピカード です。 ノトルダムだいがくのいちねんせいです。わたしも日本語を べんきょします。 がんばって in your studies! :)

  2. ごご ろくじに おきますか? ブログは いいです。 :D I like the title

  3. おはよお! ガフニーです。ノトルダムだいがくも。You wake up at 6:00 at night?? Do you mean morning? I try うんどうをしますも, it's difficult when I have marching band everyday though lolz. あそびます with your Japanese class.

  4. こんにちは! ぼくは ノートルダムだいがくの だいがくせい です。
    We also are learning how to say our daily routines and I must say it is quite exciting. We can actually have brief conversations now based on what we are actually doing.

  5. だいへんですね!but also challenging and rich!

  6. ごご ろくじ is a little late even for me to wake up!

  7. おはようございます。 JPNS C1101−002の フアん ホサプです。 Just saying a hello.
